Going Upstream
If not addressed upstream, these cases clog up our overburdened child welfare system and contribute to a cycle of more poverty, incarceration, drug use, and homelessness; more families in crisis; more neglect & abuse; more children in foster care; and therefore more of the problems that started the cycle to begin with.

Families below the poverty line are 22 times more likely to be involved with the child protection system than families with incomes slightly above the line.
There are children who need the child welfare system to protect them from their parents. Then there are struggling families who can succeed together with support.
House of Providence
Our mental health and behavioral stabilization program for girls in foster care
Family Resources
Our wraparound programs to help high risk families avoid or leave the child welfare system.
Learning Center
Our K-8 school for children impacted by the trauma of foster care and adoption.
Becca's Love
Our after care program for women with cognitive impairments who have aged out of foster care.
Enter, the
Enter, the
We designed a new academic model to meet the needs of children with complex emotional and behavioral problems due to trauma and help them succeed.
Learn More

Our Family Resource Center helps high risk families avoid unnecessary child welfare involvement, and gives those in the system reunification support through targeted programs that help them gain the skills to parent well.
Our Impact

GED Support
Parental education level consistently predicts a child’s educational success, physical and mental health, and future SES.

Financial Classes
Financial literacy can help struggling families gain a greater sense of stability and achieve progress that lifts them out of financial difficulties.

Parenting Classes
Often required by the state for reunification, high quality parenting classes can help parents grow and gain the skills to parent well.

Youth Mentorship
Children in mentorship programs are more likely to have better interpersonal skills, lower drop-out rates, higher self-esteem, and higher educational attainment.

Supportive Visitation
Offering support and coaching to parents surrounding family visits promotes reunification, strengthens family relationships, and improves parenting skills.

Substance Abuse Recovery Programs
Up to 80% of child welfare cases involve a parent with a substance use disorder. Involvement in recovery programs reliably predicts improved chances of reunification.

Post Abortion Services
Depression affects nearly 35% of women after abortions. Post-abortion grief groups can help them process their grief and move forward.

Attachment Repair Therapy
An estimated 40% of children who experience foster care develop symptoms of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). Attachment repair therapy can help families overcome its debilitating impact.

Trauma-Healing Therapy
Every child impacted by foster care experiences the trauma of being removed from their family with no control–and often no explanation. Unpacking and healing this trauma enables healthy relationships moving forward.

We exist to instill hope in children who have only known the intense instability of foster care by emulating the unconditional love of a healthy family to them.
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